Where have I been?!

So guys, I know I have been missing in action for a while and with all my sources of content, my blog has been hurting. I really appreciate you guys hanging around with me here on the blog, and I’m so happy to tell you that from this point on, I’ll be posting one video a week and one blog post a week!

Just to give you guys a little bit of an idea of what we’ve been up to with the house projects since I’ve been away I’ve included a couple pics of the work thus far!

Bryan and I built a deck top garden, because the deck is one of the only places we get sun in our tree filled yard. We have lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and a ton of different herbs! I’m loving having all the herbs and it looks like we are going to have both peppers and tomatoes ripe pretty soon!

We added wainscotting to our dining room and painted the top a dark blue paint. I’m loving how this turned out! Now we just have to switch out the lighting fixture and get a dining room table in there and we’ll be good! If you guys want to know more in depth how we made the wainscotting paneling let me know and I’ll put up a post about it.

The last project we’ve been working on is putting in a mulched garden around our fence. This just makes it a ton easier to mow, and it looks super pretty!

Again, I’m so happy to be back with you guys and if you want details on any of these projects let me know! Also, if you haven’t yet seen it check out my 4th of July Makeup Tutorial.


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